Move & Stop
To see how to physically make the car move and stop, see this short video. (If you only have one minute, watch this instead).
To move away from the roadside, known as pulling away/out/off, use the "POM routine" (Prepare, Observe, Move). It's one of a few driving routines.
Preparing involves selecting “D” for Drive (or “R” for Reverse), then releasing the handbrake, both while keeping your foot on the brake. (In a manual car, preparing requires (1) clutch down, (2) select gear 1, (3) set gas, (4) clutch to biting point). Observations must be all around, into your "blind spots" as well as your mirrors. Look last where things change fastest. Signal if you think someone could plan better by knowing you intended to move. |
To pull in by the kerb and stop, also known as pulling up, use the "MSM routine". This involves :
1. Mirrors (to know what's behind you) 2. Signal (IF someone's close, and could need to adjust their plan) 3. Move [or "manoeuvre"] (a combination of slowing / changing your position) If it's unsafe to move to the next step, you'll need to adjust your own plan until it is. |
Your chosen stopping place should be Safe, Convenient and Legal (SCL). So, it shouldn't cause others to take risks to pass you (e.g. at the top of a hill or on a sharp bend), shouldn't block access to property (e.g. in front of a private drive), and shouldn't contravene a restriction about stopping or parking (e.g. be on a "red routes" or yellow lines, or be less than 10m from a junction).