The best way to slow down is progressively. This means using the brake pedal "Light, Firm, Light" (LFL), or with the "fFf" technique :
1. FEEL the pedal (brings on brake signals) 2. FIRM with the pedal (loses excess speed) 3. FEATHER it (ease off just before stopping) Practice the necessary smooth and small ankle movements by putting an apple on top of a pedal bin, then raise / lower the lid without it rolling off. |
Signals warn anyone following to back away, in case you slow. "Firm" still means smoothly and gently ... as if you're carrying eggs. Feathering the pedal avoids jolting your passengers, and saves your car's springs. See how ABS works under heavy braking.
Once stopped, if you're on an uphill slope or "a pause become a wait" (i.e. after a few seconds), use the parking brake.