"Drive" is an unfortunate word. It's what you do to a screw with a screwdriver, to a golf ball with a club, to horses to get them to pull a carriage.
I prefer "conduct" (which is what Europeans say), like you're in charge of an orchestra. Your job is just to get the best out of the well-matched and capable parts, not force the whole band blindly on ! Good driving is about guiding your machine down the road. It'll do most of the work for you, without being pushed. (Think of the difference between an artist making a vase on a potter's wheel and a child forcing clay through a sieve). As a driver, you're in charge of more weight, = more danger. |
Others on the road, including the pavement, deserve your special care. If they hit you, you'll get scratched (maybe dented; you're unlikely to die). You hit them, and the outcome's less certain. So, above all, take your time.