BLACK LINES tell you how many roads meet at this junction, and where they point. Thicker lines carry more traffic. The WHITE BACKGROUND means you're not on a "primary route". The BLACK BACKGROUND (and the lorry icon) means an advised route for deliveries. Ref numbers may augment place names: "B4030" is a minor road because it starts with B, not A.The green recycling icon isn't a traffic sign ... but I guess there's a Recycling Centre that way!
Topics of mutual interest were:
The uncertainties of a post-Covid world mean I doubt serious study will make financial sense in the foreseeable future. But never say never.
It seems to be. I used an online tool to highlight a particularly nasty dip in a residential road which would be fine for cars but disastrous for motorcyclists me. The Council did a patch-repair within 24 hours, and a proper job within 72. I thanked them. They said:
January 2025